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The Herd


We provide refuge for a small herd of wild horses and burros that experienced neglect, abuse, and/or abandonment following their sale or adoption after being rounded up from public lands by the BLM (Bureau of Land Management). Having rehabilitated them back to full physical and emotional health, we support them to live as freely and naturally a life as possible while engaging them in our rewilding and regeneration program.


For much of the year our equines are rotated between large wild meadows and use open grown trees and shelters for shade or cover from the sun and rain, while we provide extra care as needed to keep them safe, happy and healthy. While we support programs that fully rewild rescued wild horses, we see an additional opportunity for others to be semi-rewilded in land restoration projects. Read about each of our equines below.​


Wild Horse/Mustang

Storm was born in 2001 and rounded up by the BLM from the South Steens HMA in southeastern Oregon at two years old before being sold at auction, bred for profit, and abused and neglected for over a decade. On the day of her rescue she was still ungentled as well as untrusting, and malnourished. Her owner was on his way to jail for injuring his horses, and she was at risk of imminent slaughter. Storm is our herd leader and mustang mama, and is highly protective of her little herd. She has a special sweet spot for Shiloh who she took under her wing from the moment he arrived.



Wild Horse/Mustang

Shalimar was rounded up from the South Steens HMA in 2023. Aged incorrectly by the BLM as a 17 year old, he was assigned Sale Authority (unadoptable) status stripping him of his wild horse federal protections. Sold and then abandoned by his buyer, we took him in as a trainer relinquishment and senior horse before finding photos of him as a foal in the wild that proved he was only seven years old. Shalimar is a sweet and gentle gelding who loves to run fast and free. Also from the South Steens Herd Management Area, both he and Storm have found a piece of home in each other.


Wild Burro/Donkey

Saoirse (SUR-sha) was 12 years old when she was rounded up by helicopter from the Twin Peaks HMA in Nevada in 2020 and taken from her home and family. Adopted from a TIP trainer who failed to meet any of the BLM requirements, Saoirse was both ungentled and untrusting when she first arrived but three years on she is our affectionate and loyal herd guardian. She loves scratches, dust baths, and ear rubs, and has a loud, sonorous bray that helps to keep the bears and mountain lions at a safe distance during the winter months. Saoirse means "Freedom" in Irish Gaelic.



Wild Burro/Donkey

Satya was still in utero when her mother was rounded up and captured from the Twin Peaks HMA in 2019, and was born in captivity in the BLM corrals. Rescued from the same TIP trainer as Saoirse, she arrived with several injuries from a halter and lead rope that had been left on her face for over two months. She was ungentled and emotionally shut down on her arrival, but slowly opened back up with chiropractic work, love, and patience. Satya is sassy, sociable, and curious, with an array of tricks to get cuddles and treats. Her bray is sweet and harmonic. Satya means "Truth" in Sanskrit.


Domestic Donkey

Shiloh (SHY-low) is our only non-wild (domesticated) resident. He was rescued from neglect, isolation, and confinement and arrived with several health issues, including a severe parasitic overload and cancerous tumors (sarcoids). Highly fearful and defensive on his arrival, Shiloh is now a happy, healthy, cancer-free donkey due to good medical care, plenty of space to run around, and his bonded companions. Cautious at first, he will lean in for cuddles if you gain his trust. Shiloh has a mischievous streak and a loud, energetic, and excitable bray. His name means "Gift" in Hebrew.



Sponsor Our Sanctuary Residents

When you sponsor one or more of our resident equines, 100% of your contribution goes directly towards the

daily care and medical needs of that animal.


The animals you sponsor will give back to you in ways

that enrich your life and lift your spirits through

our monthly updates, stories, and photos!

“Until one has loved an animal,

a part of one's soul remains unawakened.”

Anatole France 



(541) 740-3933



Seal Rock, OR, 97376



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