Wild Peace Sanctuary is a regenerative land-based project aimed at facilitating and nurturing healing and peace for people, animals, and the land through natural reciprocity. Our small herd of wild horses and burros, each rescued from situations of abuse, neglect, and abandonment, are helping us rewild and regenerate habitat, grow organic food, and build community resilience. We offer workshops, healing services, and retreats devoted to cultivating meaningful, authentic, and sustainable relationships within ourselves, between one another, and with the natural world.
We are engaged in a range of land-based practices drawn from the fields of rewilding, permaculture, equiculture, and regenerative agriculture. Our grazing animals are the key to our work as their movements across the land help to create a rich and dynamic
mosaic of habitat for native wildlife, and their nutrient-rich fertilizer enables us to grow organic food. Our aim is to develop
a regenerative and sustainable system of living in balance and harmony with animals, the land, and each other.
We are introducing key regional trees, shrubs, and plants to enhance habitat for bees, butterflies and other pollinators; and to cultivate a living medicine cabinet and food forest for our resident herd, human stewards, and both resident and local wildlife. Our wild equines create the natural disturbance on the land from large-bodied herbivores that is considered a fundamental element in rewilding, as it encourages a diversity of plants, animals, insects, fungi, and other organisms; and helps to restore ecological balance.
Our seasonal program offers hands-on workshops in practical and ancestral skills and knowledge, such as working with edible and medicinal plants, restoring and maintaining native habitat with animals and traditional hand tools, and exploring nature-based
arts and crafts. Other events are aimed at supporting healing in community and building resilience for the challenges of
our time, as we remember and reclaim some of our original ways of connecting with each other and the land.
Wild horses and burros are being removed in record numbers from U.S. public lands to make way for industry. Tens of thousands end up in the slaughter pipeline while thousands of others are confined for life in barren, crowded, and shelterless government-run facilities. Ironically, these gentle keystone herbivores could be our allies in this time of climate instability and food insecurity, as their beneficial presence improves soil health, increases biodiversity, supports food production, and prevents wildfire.
We provide therapeutic and restorative services for individuals, families, and groups, engaging earth-centered practices, somatic
healing, equine wisdom, and nature-based therapies. Our healing sessions and private retreats offer opportunities to receive
healing support through tending to the inner landscape of our somatic experience as a reflection of the outer landscape
that holds us.
We make mineral-rich compost from the raw manure that our herd provides to make a nutrient-rich, slow release bio-fertilizer, as well as fermented liquid plant fertilizers from comfrey, horsetail and nettle that we harvested from the land. We use our own compost and plant fertilizers to grow organic fruit and berries, vegetables and herbs; and donate the rest to local ecological restoration groups and food security programs including the Concerned Citizens for Clean Air, and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians.
Your support helps us to care for our resident herd and raise awareness of the desperate plight of wild horses and burros in
the US, while shining a light on their innate ability to rewild and regenerate land. In addition, your donations will
help us to further develop our program of nature-based classes and workshops, and provide scholarships
for anyone needing support to attend our workshops or to access our therapeutic services.